Category Archives: Forex Trading

jak czytać wolumen, co to jest? Co to znaczy? Definicja jak czytać wolumen

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To właśnie wtedy najaktywniejsi gracze wychodzą z inwestycji inkasując mały, ale pewny zysk, często też licząc na ponowne wejście przy niższych poziomach cenowych. W takiej sytuacji wolumeny na spadkach powinny być znacznie mniejsze. Oznacza to, że kapitał, który tak ochoczo kupował na wzrostach nie zamierza realizować zysków, tylko czeka na znacznie więcej i ewentualnie powiększa pozycję kupując pakiety od realizujących zyski. Obiecujące wybicie górnego ograniczenia blisko 2-letniej konsolidacji, ale gdzie są obroty? Brak ich znacznego wzrostu spowodował, że wybicie załamało się już po 8-proc.

Wysokie obroty na spadkowych świecach, mimo braku dłuższej konsolidacji, szybko zbiły kurs i wprowadziły w trend spadkowy. „Mocne ręce” nie mając czasu na dystrybucję swoich akcji wśród mniejszych inwestorów były zmuszone do szybkiej reakcji i masowej wyprzedaży, powodując przy tym duże ruchy cenowe. Często po okresie dystrybucji, która może przebiegać w formie konsolidacji lub cenowego szczytu i załamania, kurs przechodzi do spadków. Również w tym przypadku wolumen może podpowiedzieć, jak będzie wyglądał dalszy charakter ruchu cenowego. Rzadko spotyka się, by w ciągu dwóch miesięcy powtórzyła się ta sama zagrywka.

  • Mimo, iż istnieją sposoby manipulacji procesem zakupu i sprzedaży tak, aby ukryć prawdziwe zamiary dużego kapitału, wnikliwy obserwator jest w stanie je przejrzeć właśnie dzięki zmianom na wolumenie.
  • Wysokość słupka odzwierciedla wielkość wolumenu, czyli im wyższy słupek tym większe obroty.
  • Najczęściej inwestorzy nie zauważają, że ich zyskowna pozycja, zajęta w trakcie trendu wzrostowego zaczyna odwracać się przeciwko nim.
  • Otrzymaną kwotę należy zsumować za określony okres czasu, np.

Kurs akcji „pod własnym ciężarem” zaczyna opadać i łamać istotne wsparcia (w szczególności dolne ograniczenie konsolidacji). Brak reakcji „słabych rąk” najczęściej wynika, albo z oceny „wciąż jestem na plusie”, albo nadziei na odbicie i powrót do wzrostów. Plastyczną analogią dla dystrybucji papierów i opadania kursu pod własnym ciężarem na niskich obrotach jest proces gotowania żab. Zbyt szybkie zwiększenie temperatury (tempa spadków) spowodowałoby ucieczkę żywych płazów (wysoki wolumen). Powolny wzrost temperatury (małe spadki) powoduje ich ugotowanie żywcem (niskie wolumeny na długotrwałych spadkach).

Geometria Rynkowa i Trading Harmoniczny na rynku FOREX

Silne wzrosty na tej spółce miały wybitnie spekulacyjny charakter. Silne świece spadkowe na ich zakończeniu poparte wysokimi wolumenami (niewiele niższymi niż w czasie wzrostu kursu) zwiastowały falę wyprzedaży. Odpowiedzi na to pytanie należy szukać w korekcie spadkowej wcześniejszych wzrostów. Jeśli świeca spadkowa jest silna i na wyższym lub nawet niewiele niższym wolumenie niż te wzrostowe, oznacza to, że kapitał, który kupował w korekcie szybko realizuje zysk. Najczęściej przyczyną jest spekulacyjny charakter wcześniejszego wzrostu, bądź też chęć dystrybucji dużych ilości waloru wśród pozostałych uczestników rynku. Z takim wydarzeniem najczęściej stoją czynniki fundamentalne, takie jak np.

Była typowym podejściem do „poziomu lodu”, którym stał się opór na 15 zł (a wcześniej to było silne wsparcie). Kurs jeszcze raz testował ten opór odpadając świecą z mocnym podażowym knotem z styczniu 2018 r. Obu podbitkom towarzyszyły niskie wolumeny, co świadczy o braku zainteresowania walorem ze strony „mocnych rąk”.

Interesującym faktem dotyczącym wolumenu jest łatwość znalezienia punktów zwrotnych, w których wielu inwestorów weszło w pozycję, które obecnie najprawdopodobniej są pozycjami stratnymi. Analizując lewą stronę wykresu dla rodzącego się trendu wzrostowego należy szczególną uwagę zwrócić na opory (zgodnie z klasyczną analizą techniczną) oraz dawne wsparcia (które też mogą być teraz oporami). Wysokie wolumeny, które pojawiły się w/w miejscach dodatkowo wzmacniają ich działanie. Oznaczają spore pokłady podaży ze strony inwestorów trzymających akcje i chętnych do wyjścia „na zero”, gdy kurs dociera w okolice ceny zakupu.

Co kupić: akcje czy kontrakt terminowy futures na akcje?

Wysokość słupka odzwierciedla wielkość wolumenu, czyli im wyższy słupek tym większe obroty. Wedle powiedzenia „płacą Ci zgodnie z ceną, a nie wolumenem”, według niektórych ekspertów obroty nie są istotne. Analiza wolumenu pozwala jednak zrozumieć źródło zmiany ceny oraz odnaleźć miejsca, gdzie do gry włącza się duży kapitał.

Pokolenie Z – zoomersi w giełdowym natarciu. Czego możemy się nauczyć od najmłodszych inwestorów?

Wolumen na giełdzie to ilość akcji, jakie zostały kupione lub sprzedane w określonym okresie czasu. Wolumen jest ważnym wskaźnikiem dla inwestorów, ponieważ pozwala ocenić skalę ruchów cenowych na rynku oraz zainteresowanie danym akcjami. Na przykład, jeśli wolumen dla danej spółki wynosi 100 tysięcy, oznacza to, że zostało kupionych lub sprzedanych 100 tysięcy akcji tej spółki. Po wzrostach z początku września 2017 roku, kurs spółki odzieżowej przeszedł do trzytygodniowej korekty. Obroty znacząco spadły, bo chętnych do szybkiej realizacji zysków było niewielu.

Wielki Kurs Tradingu i Analizy Technicznej z Łukaszem Fijołkiem

Na docenienie w tym wypadku zasługują metody wolumenowe, w skład których wchodzi m. Analogicznie, w czasie dystrybucji Richard Wyckoff wskazuje moment zakończenia trendu wzrostowego i przejścia do ruchu bocznego jako Buying Climax. To wtedy wydawane są wysokie rekomendacje z niebotycznymi cenami docelowymi, a tzw. Oczywiście sam zapał „słabych rąk” to za mało, by utrzymać wzrosty, więc cena porusza się w ruchu bocznym. Możliwe są też fałszywe wybicia górą na niskim wolumenie (Failed Rally), w czasie których postępuje dystrybucja papierów.

Spadki wyhamowały, gdy większy kapitał zaczął zbierać akcje. Następny retest minimów w okolicy 22,30 zł odbył się na mniejszych obrotach. Kolejny wzrost wolumenów przyczynił się do wejścia waloru w trend wzrostowy. Wolumen (obroty) reprezentuje aktywność inwestorów w określonej ramie czasowej (timeframe). Każda jednostka wolumenu odzwierciedla działanie kupujących i sprzedających. Najczęściej wolumen przedstawiany jest w formie histogramu w postaci pionowych słupków w dolnej części wykresu.

Fałszywym wybiciom w fazie akumulacji najczęściej towarzyszy niski obrót. Gdy presja sprzedających się kończy, kurs zaczyna zwyżkować, a obroty znów rosną (gdyż smart money dalej stoją po stronie popytu) i wybijane jest górne ograniczenie trendu bocznego. Wyckoff również wyróżnił w trendach wzrostowych retesty wcześniejszych oporów, które po sforsowaniu zamieniają się we wsparcia. Takie retesty powinny się odbywać na niskich wolumenach.

Gdy tylko skończyli się chętni do oddawania akcji, popyt znów przystąpił do ataku i obroty wzrosły powodując jednocześnie silny ruch ceny w górę. Warto jednak pamiętać, że wolumen na giełdzie jest łatwiej określony niż na rynku forex, ponieważ giełda jest centralizowana i dostępne są dokładne dane o wolumenie na każdej sesji. Inwestorzy mogą więc korzystać z różnych narzędzi do analizy wolumenu, ale należy zawsze pamiętać o ostrożności i nie traktować go jako jedynego wskaźnika decydującego o transakcjach. Zanim otworzysz swoją pierwszą pozycję za pomocą kontraktów terminowych, upewnij się czy wiesz jak w praktyce funkcjonuje mechanizm depozytów zabezpieczających i codziennych rozliczeń.

11 Key Differences in Credit Note vs Debit Note

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Additionally, the postcard might include details on how to pay the debt with relevant contact information. This might give a buyer the option to return items without having to first make a payment if needed. In addition, they are essential for tracking shipments, determining when payments are expected, and figuring out whether the account still has any available credit. Assume that Company A makes a credit purchase of 10,000 widgets from Company B at an agreed-upon price of $1.00 per widget.

  • Some companies use debit notes to bill for items that are not their primary business.
  • For example, the seller may discover that it invoiced the buyer for $6,000 when the actual amount due for the sale is $7,000.
  • For every debit (dollar amount) recorded, there must be an equal amount entered as a credit, balancing that transaction.
  • This is applicable when the debit note is used to notify the buyer of impending debt obligations based on payments that have not yet been legally invoiced.

Further you can also file TDS returns, generate Form-16, use our Tax Calculator software, claim HRA, check refund status and generate rent receipts for Income Tax Filing. It is usually issued when the seller receives a debit note from the buyer. A credit note is a commercial instrument that is created and issued to the purchaser of goods by the seller. A debit note is a commercial instrument that is created and issued to the seller by the buyer. For instance, Mega LLC discovers that the sent item is faulty in the above case.

Let us summarize the key differences between a credit note and a debit note. Another case of an entity issuing credit notes is from commercial banks. Similarly, both companies can record journal entries for a debit note issued by either side. Xero offers double-entry accounting, as well as the option to enter journal entries. Reporting options are also good in Xero, and the application offers integration with more than 700 third-party apps, which can be incredibly useful for small businesses on a budget. In the second part of the transaction, you’ll want to credit your accounts receivable account because your customer paid their bill, an action that reduces the accounts receivable balance.

Debits and Credits With Different Account Types

Clear can also help you in getting your business registered for Goods & Services Tax Law. Debit note vs credit note becomes important to understand where business frequently deals with both scenarios. The understanding of terms could also vary from the perspective of the seller and buyer. But the following comparison is made in common business parlance. A debit note works by notifying the seller that they need to pay back money to the buyer. A debit note is initiated when a buyer realizes that they have paid more money than they should have, need to return goods, or need to get a refund for some reason.

  • On the off chance that the Credit and Debit notes are issued physically, at that point, they ought to be arranged on the company’s letterhead and marked by the authorized individual.
  • The debit note accompanies the returned goods, explaining in adequate detail to the seller why the goods are being returned.
  • For example, a customer buys goods worth $1000 with a promise to make the payment after 5-days.
  • While credit notes signify reductions in owed amounts, debit notes highlight requests for repayment.
  • For various reasons, a debit note is issued to serve as a reminder of the debt obligation by either side.

They make journal entry by debiting accounts receivable and crediting revenue. CAs, experts and businesses can get GST ready with Clear GST software & certification course. Our GST Software helps CAs, tax experts & business to manage returns & invoices in an easy manner. Our Goods & Services Tax course includes tutorial videos, guides and expert assistance to help you in mastering Goods and Services Tax.

What is Debit Note?

Here are a few choices that are particularly well suited for smaller businesses. You would debit (reduce) accounts payable, since you’re paying the bill. Finally, you will record any sales tax due as a credit, increasing the balance of that liability account. Recording a sales transaction is more detailed than many other journal entries because you need to track cost of goods sold as well as any sales tax charged to your customer. Revenue accounts record the income to a business and are reported on the income statement. Examples of revenue accounts include sales of goods or services, interest income, and investment income.

Since that money didn’t simply float into thin air, it is important to record that transaction with the appropriate debit. Although your cash account was credited (decreased), your equipment account was debited (increased) with valuable property. It is now an asset owned by your business, which can be sold or used for collateral for future loans, for instance. Businesses sometimes use debit notes to bill for products that are not part of their core business. For instance, a business may issue a debit note for the rent if it sublets portions of its warehouse space.

What is a Credit Note Used For?

In this article, we break down the basics of recording debit and credit transactions, as well as outline how they function in different types of accounts. Continue reading to find out more about a debit note, including what it is, when it is issued, and how it differs from a credit note. A debit note is most commonly created when part of a delivery or shipment of goods is being returned to the seller because the returned goods are damaged or defective. The debit note accompanies the returned goods, explaining in adequate detail to the seller why the goods are being returned. Also, it indicates the amount by which the seller needs to adjust its invoice to the buyer, reducing the amount due for the sale by the appropriate amount.

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A buyer might also issue a debit note because the seller failed to the goods within an agreed-upon time or date or by or on a specified date. Still have concerns, queries, or questions, and we have answered them in the next section. The effect or result of issuing a debit note is it reduces account receivables in the supplier account. The challenge with a credit note and a debit note is which to issue when. Debit notes and invoices are similar documents but they are not necessarily the same.

Recording payment of a bill

As your business grows, recording these transactions can become more complicated, but it is crucial to do it correctly to maintain balanced books and track your company’s growth. Debit notes come into play because B2B sales are commonly made on credit, meaning goods or services are provided to the buyer from the seller before an invoice being paid. In the interim, the buyer or the seller may enter a debit note or credit note in their accounting records to keep track of amounts due. Both debit notes and credit notes are vital for any business since you would be using them at different times.

In the business-to-business (B2B) world, order and transaction values can be large. When they change unexpectedly, financial challenges can quickly arise. In businesses, managing orders might seem like a routine task, but it’s anything but ordinary…. Conflicts in business can occur quite frequently if there are no proper methods of detecting invoicing errors and reconciliation. For my business, one of the headaches was managing both stocks and expenses. Luckily, I switched to Moon Invoice and found the hassles of stock and expense management getting faded.

Our experts love this top pick, which features a 0% intro APR for 15 months, an insane cash back rate of up to 5%, and all somehow for no annual fee. But how do you know when to debit an account, and when to credit an account? Conversely, expense accounts reflect what a company needs to spend in order to do business. Some examples are rent for the physical office or offices, supplies, utilities, and salaries to all employees. Simply put, the double-entry method is much more effective at keeping track of where money is going and where it’s coming from. Additionally, it is helpful at limiting errors in accounting, or at least allowing them to be easily identified and quickly fixed.

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It can be an important accounting document that helps in the accuracy of invoicing of a business. A debit note is a notification and request for a debt obligation to be paid. A credit note is issued to correct errors or changes made to an existing invoice or order. The fundamental distinction between credit notes and debit notes is that a debit note is given by a purchaser to a merchant, while a dealer gives a credit note to a purchaser. A debit note is issued when the customer or buyer of the goods returns them to the vendor or supplier of those goods. Some businesses follow the practice of issuing debit notes to customers when they sell them goods, to inform them the amount owed to them.

Debit notes are additionally used in business-to-customer transactions, for instance, when a client returns products that were given to them on credit. The debit note is, in this instance, issued to the seller by the buyer. Today we have accounting software that is capable of generating and issuing debit and credit notes. However, it is not only at the time of the return of goods by a customer to the seller that debit and credit notes get issued. A debit note reflects a positive amount, whereas a credit note reflects a negative amount. A debit note lowers account receivables, whereas a credit note lowers account payables.

USD CHF Live Rate, Forecast, News and Analysis

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CHF is the abbreviation for the Swiss franc, which is a floating currency widely considered one of the strongest currencies in the world. How much the Swiss franc (CHF) is worth in the United States Dollar fluctuates day to day because both are floating currencies. This means that the value of the Swiss franc against the United States dollar is determined by market forces.

The French écu was valued at 2+1⁄2 gulden, while the kronenthaler was valued at 2+18⁄40 gulden; see Zürich thaler and Schwyz gulden. On the other hand, the central Swiss cantons of Luzern, Uri, Zug and Unterwalden maintained a weaker gulden vs the South German gulden. The French écu was valued at 3 gulden, while the kronenthaler was valued at 2+37⁄40 gulden (see Luzern gulden). The Swiss franc is the currency and legal tender of Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

It appreciates at periods of political and economic turmoil, as was the case in 2008 when the European debt crisis exploded. Following the creation of the euro, Switzerland is the only remaining country whose currency is called the franc. Although the high value of the currency made foreign goods cheap in Switzerland, it hurts domestic exporters and the Swiss tourism industry, as it makes the purchase of Swiss manufactured goods and services more expensive.

Swiss Franc (CHF)

A low fee is charged when converting money from one currency to the other. They charge the actual exchange rate, while most banks charge a lower rate in order to keep the difference themselves (a hidden fee). Wise has no fees on spending money from any of the currencies in your account.

The Swiss franc is a strong currency, so Switzerland is not cheap for visitors from many other countries. There are many ways to save money on your holidays to Switzerland though. The Swiss franc is the only official currency in Switzerland. However, it’s important to note that due to the rising interest rates in the United States, the CHF has declined in value in USD terms. That said, despite the decline in value against the dollar, one Swiss franc is still more valuable than one dollar.

It is most popularly traded against the euro, but it is also exchanged against the United States dollar, the British pound, and the Japanese yen. Switzerland provides investors a low-interest-rate environment, implying that the investors regularly borrow in CHF and invest in high-yielding assets and other currencies in the world. Wise (formerly TransferWise) offers an online bank account which can hold many currencies.

  • The sixth series from 1976, designed by Ernst and Ursula Hiestand [de], depicted persons from the world of science.
  • The Swiss franc’s popularity stems from its status as a perennial safe haven currency, with many governments and other entities holding the currency as a buffer against instability in various types of markets and investments.
  • The Swiss franc is the currency and legal tender of Switzerland and Liechtenstein and also legal tender in the Italian exclave of Campione d’Italia.

In most cases this is connected to a credit card or prepaid card. This can be a PIN code or finger print scan, for example. This article is part of our free series on private banking and transactions, ranging from finding the best banks in Monaco to expat wealth management, which you can click here to access right now. In this article, we’re going to share some key information about the Swiss franc, details on how it compares to other currencies, and answer common questions we receive about this currency. The smaller denomination, a hundredth of a franc, is a Rappen (Rp.) in German, centime (c.) in French, centesimo (ct.) in Italian, and rap (rp.) in Romansh. Investors and economists highly opposed the SNB’s action to enforce the policy, to begin with, and its decision to withdraw the peg without notice.

Nine series of banknotes have been printed by the Swiss National Bank, seven of which have been released for use by the general public, the fourth and seventh being reserved and never issued. The sixth series from 1976, designed by Ernst and Ursula Hiestand [de], depicted persons from the world of science. The Konkordanzbatzen among the Swiss cantons agreeing on an exclusive issue of currency in francs and batzen failed to replace the over 8,000 different coins and notes in circulation. Despite introduction of the first Swiss franc, the South German kronenthaler became the more desirable coin to use in the 19th century, and it was still quoted in pre-1798 currency equivalents.

Swiss franc notes and coins

The Swiss constitution once required the bank to hold 40% of its reserves in gold, but this requirement was eliminated after a popular referendum in 1999. On the other hand, if the rate falls from 1.03 to 0.99, it now costs fewer CHF to buy one USD, so the CHF has appreciated or the USD has fallen relative to the CHF. Yarilet Perez is an experienced multimedia journalist and fact-checker with a Master of Science in Journalism. She has worked in multiple cities covering breaking news, politics, education, and more. Her expertise is in personal finance and investing, and real estate. We never use our credit card, although we do have one as an emergency option.

CHF To USD Convert Swiss Franc To United States Dollar

The exchange rate for the Dollar
has decreased -1,50%
against the Swiss Franc in the last 30 days,
falling from Fr 0,92 to Fr 0,90 Swiss Francs per Dollar. Today, you will get fewer Swiss Francs for an amount in Dollars than you would have just a month ago. We give you the real rate, independently provided by Reuters. Compare our rate and fee with Western Union, ICICI Bank, WorldRemit and more, and see the difference for yourself. The Xe Rate Alerts will let you know when the rate you need is triggered on your selected currency pairs. These percentages show how much the exchange rate has fluctuated over the last 30 and 90-day periods.

In 2015, the USD/CHF was trading near 1.20 when the SNB pulled the floor they had set on theEUR/CHF pair. The rapid plunge caused massive upheaval in the currency markets as many global forex brokers went bankrupt or required a bailout because of trader losses. The incident caused widespread reform, mainly the lowering of leverage available in many countries. The official currency code (ISO currency standard) is “CHF” as well. Alternatively, the abbreviation “Fr.” is widely used as the symbol as well. With this in mind, low-cost international transfer services are often a popular choice for low to medium-value transfers while more secure international bank transfers are a more common choice for high-value transfers.

Recent Price History of USD/CHF

These funds can be traded through an ordinary brokerage account, without the trouble of setting up a separate forex account. More adventurous traders can also bet on the franc through currency futures or options trades. Due to the stability of the Swiss economy, the Swiss franc has long been regarded as a safe haven asset by investors worried about the turmoil in larger markets. Although it is possible to gain CHF exposure by simply buying Swiss francs, this strategy may not be ideal for retail investors because it requires them to set up a forex account. The demand for the Swiss franc as a safe haven substantially increases its value in the global foreign exchange markets.

Convert CHF to Other Currency Units

The Swiss franc is made up of 100 cents, with coins of 5, 10, and 20 cents and 0.5, 1, 2, and 5 francs currently in circulation. Banknotes in denominations of 10 CHF, 20 CHF, 50 CHF, 100 CHF, 200 CHF, and 1,000 CHF are also available. In Jan. 2015, the SNB suddenly dropped the peg and allowed the currency to float, wreaking havoc on stock and forex markets.

The currency code for Francs is CHF, and the currency symbol is CHF. Below, you’ll find Swiss Franc rates and a currency converter. In addition to these general-circulation coins, numerous series of commemorative coins have been issued, as well as silver and gold coins. These coins are no longer legal tender, but can in theory be exchanged at face value at post offices, and at national and cantonal banks,[57] although their metal or collectors’ value equals or exceeds their face value. The Swiss franc is regularly traded on the foreign exchange market, as well as the futures market.

For example, when the Fed intervenes in open market operations to make the U.S. dollar stronger, the value of the USD/CHF could increase, due to a strengthening of the U.S. dollar when compared to the Swiss franc. The USD/CHF is affected by factors that influence the value of the U.S. dollar or the Swiss franc in relation to each other and other currencies. Employment data and gross domestic product (GDP), from both countries, are a couple of the economic indicators that have a significant impact on the currency pair. CHF is the unique currency code for the Swiss franc, and USD is the currency code for the U.S. dollar. Currencies are quoted in pairs, revealing how much of one currency it costs to buy the other. USD/CHF is the currency pair of the U.S. dollar and Swiss franc.

The Wise Swiss franc travel money card lets you top up in your local currency, and switch to franc to spend when you’re in Switzerland. You’ll get the best rate for spending in Swiss franc – and can also hold and spend 40+ other currencies with the same card. The Swiss franc is the currency and legal tender of Switzerland and Liechtenstein and also legal tender in the Italian exclave of Campione d’Italia. Although not formally legal tender in the German exclave of Büsingen am Hochrhein (the sole legal currency is the euro), it is in wide daily use there; with many prices quoted in Swiss francs.

How Much Is a Swiss Franc to a Dollar?

The currency pair shows how many Swiss francs (the quote currency) are needed to purchase one U.S. dollar (the base currency). Trading the USD/CHF currency pair is also known as trading the “Swissie.” To get the best deal when spending on card or withdrawing money in Switzerland, don’t forget to use the Wise travel money card to avoid sneaky exchange rate markups and excessive fees. You’ll find Swiss banknotes in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 1000.

Broker: Definition, Types, Regulation, and Examples

By | Forex Trading | No Comments

In addition to federal regulations, brokers must also adhere to state and local laws and regulations governing their specific area of expertise. For example, real estate brokers must be licensed by their state and adhere to state-specific rules and regulations. The broker receives the order and if the brokerage has those shares available, they will most likely fill Amy’s order immediately. If they don’t they could buy those shares on the exchanges or from other brokerages. They may not place the order in the amount of 10,000, grabbing instead 500 to 1,000 shares at a time to deliver to Amy after the funds settle.

  • An individual who wants to trade on financial markets hence would need a broker as an intermediary between them and securities exchange.
  • The stock brokerage firms ICICI Direct, HDFC Securities, Sharekhan, Angel One, and Axis Bank are among the most well-known and successful brokers in the nation.
  • With $3.6 trillion in discretionary assets as of December 2022, the Boston-based company ranks among the top brokerage firms in terms of assets under management.
  • Overall, DMA brokers provide faster execution speeds, lower costs, and more transparency compared to other types of forex brokers.

Some companies still offer direct stock purchase plans that allow you to buy shares directly from the company. Companies administer these plans according to internal rules, and some are only open to company employees. You need to contact companies to find out whether they offer a direct stock purchase plan and what the terms and conditions are. These plans initially helped investors avoid brokerage fees, but the rise of online discount brokers with zero fees has removed this barrier, making the direct stock purchase plan somewhat of a relic. Most discount brokerages now offer their customers zero-commission stock trading.

Some of the better-known exams include Series 7, Series 6, and Series 63. The Series 7 permits financial services professionals to sell securities products, with the exception of commodities and futures. Ongoing assistance can include face-to-face meetings and periodic checkups to revisit progress toward goals. For novice investors or those too busy to plan for themselves, full-service brokers offer an array of useful services and information.

Full-service brokers offer a variety of services, including market research, investment advice, and retirement planning, on top of a full range of investment products. For that, investors can expect to pay higher commissions for their trades. Brokers receive compensation from the brokerage firm based on their trading volume as well as for the sale of investment products. An increasing number of brokers example of broker offer fee-based investment products, such as managed investment accounts. As well as executing client orders, brokers may provide investors with research, investment plans, and market intelligence. They may also cross-sell other financial products and services their brokerage firm offers, such as access to a private client offering that provides tailored solutions to high net worth clients.

The evolution of full-service brokerage

The term “forex” is often used while discussing global trade and investment. The foreign exchange market, sometimes known as the over-the-counter (OTC), is a worldwide, decentralized market for exchanging currencies. All transactions involving purchasing, selling, and exchanging currencies at market values are included. Full-service brokers often provide access to alternative investment options, such as private equity, venture capital, structured products, and derivatives.

The higher fiduciary standard requires the broker to act in your best interests. The same names pop up for mobile brokerage apps, along with newer competitors such as Robinhood and Acorns. The amount you pay a broker depends on the level of service you receive, how personalized the services are, and whether they involve direct contact with human beings rather than computer algorithms. Brokers may work for brokerage companies or operate as independent agents. They end up deciding on an area that is up and coming and fits within their budget. The couple will seek out and hire a real estate agent that is familiar with the area.

  • When investing with small sums, consistency is the key to building wealth.
  • In some cases, brokers also provide advice on which stocks you should buy and sell.
  • Individual traders and investors depend on the services provided by exchange members since securities exchanges will only accept orders from persons or companies who are members of that exchange.
  • Real estate brokers in the United States are licensed by each state, not by the federal government.
  • Nowadays, all major online brokers offer commission-free trading on stocks and ETFs, and many offer $0 commissions on other asset classes as well.
  • These are usually complex, as these clients tend to be high-net-worth individuals with complex financial affairs.

A customs broker is a person or business authorized by the government to assist importers and exporters in complying with rules. Customs brokers play a vital part in the community of those involved in international commerce since they are responsible for ensuring that shipments are handled promptly and effectively. Customs brokers are responsible for keeping updated on any new rules that come into effect to provide their clients with the most accurate information possible. An individual who has earned a professional license to serve as a middleman in selling, purchasing, and renting real estates, such as homes and buildings, is referred to as a real estate broker.

Mobile App Brokers

Brokers earn a commission for their services, which is a percentage of the value of the trade or transaction they facilitate. Yet the emergence of the digital age gave rise to online brokers, many of which are execution only. These are digital investing and trading platforms that allow clients to place trades in a few clicks, and often charge less commissions, yet may not offer specialised investment advice. The larger brokerage firms tend to carry an inventory of shares available to their customers for sale.


The broker must make a reasonable effort to obtain information on the customer’s financial status, tax status, investment objectives, and other information used in making a recommendation. The term “like-kind” refers to the nature or character of the property, not its grade or quality. Essentially, there’s a wide variety of property types that you could consider to be like-kind. As long as the net market value of each successive property rises (or combined net market value, in the case of multiple replacement properties), you can exchange into like-kind properties indefinitely. By selecting a broker that fits your trading style and preferences, you’ll be setting yourself up for success in the long run. Remember, each type has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so take the time to evaluate what’s important to you as a trader.

Additionally, you can find lower spreads compared to other broker types like market makers. However, one of the cons of using an STP broker is that there may be a limited choice of trading instruments available. In fact, there are several different types of brokers in forex, each with their own unique features and benefits. This access can be advantageous for clients seeking unique investments to diversify their portfolios. Pawnbrokers offer loans to people who offer items of personal property as collateral. They typically accept jewelry, computers, video game systems, and other possessions as collateral.

What does a broker do?

For example, licensed real estate brokers may advertise properties for sale and show them to prospective purchasers. They also determine the properties’ market value and advise their clients regarding offers and other related matters. Brokers can be full-service, which means they would provide their clients with execution and advisory services, yet charge higher commission fees. Discount brokers would typically charge less, but won’t provide advice, or provide it at an additional cost.

Sustainable and ESG investing

Brokers specializing in mutual funds are well suited to provide in-depth advice and assistance that can make some difference for investors with little or no experience in the field. They will guide them through the necessary paperwork and provide full investment services since they are familiar with all of the procedures involved in the whole process. The broker’s job is to scan the market for policies that meet your requirements, present those plans, and advise you on the best. There are several situations where using a broker’s services is not required. Brokers are often best suited for those who have more sophisticated insurance requirements. For instance, if you establish a small company, you may use a broker to arrange business insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, and employee benefit plans.

The companies make up for this loss of revenue from other sources, including payments from the exchanges for large quantities of orders and trading fees for other products like mutual funds and bonds. Brokers provide that service and are compensated in various ways, either through commissions, fees, or through being paid by the exchange itself. Investopedia regularly reviews all of the top brokers and maintains a list of the best online brokers and trading platforms to help investors make the decision of what broker is best for them.

Equiti Reviews Read Customer Service Reviews of www

By | Forex Trading | No Comments

It is a shame that the broker doesn’t provide any proprietary software, as many of the leading brokers do. However, we are confident you will have high-quality tools and features at your disposal when using MT5. Payment methods that do accept GBP deposits include Skrill, Neteller and bank wire transfer, all of which are fee-free. Thank you for your positive review.We’re delighted that you’re enjoying your experience with Equiti. However, because the broker is regulated by the FCA, JSC and DMCC, there is a high chance that it is not a scam.

MT5 is a sophisticated platform and upgrade on its predecessor MT4. They do share a lot of similarities so if you can learn how to use one equiti review platform, I think you should be able to use both without any issues. As with MT4, you can use the MT5 platform on web, desktop and mobile.

On proof of residence documents, it is necessary that the user’s address and name are visible. Equiti It is the best platform among the platforms that I have dealt with. The bonus is just a reward for the trader’s choice that gives some of these expenses back to the trader, once proving himself as an active trader. Debit/credit cards, Neteller, and Skrill all have a minimum of 30 USD/ EUR/ GBP/ JOD and 100 AED/ SAR which is required for a withdrawal.

  • I believe they are worth strong consideration for anyone looking to trade CFDs with minimal fuss.
  • Equiti Group Ltd. is licensed by the Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) and is authorised to provide trading services within MENA.
  • Equiti must also adhere to certain standards and procedures, and regular reports on trades to the commission are mandatory.
  • In order to be sure that Equiti is not a scam, read our trader reviews and check other popular trading related websites and forums.
  • The broker is registered and regulated in Seychelles as a securities dealer and does not provide any investment products or services but only execution services for traders.

Hi Ahmad, Thank you for sharing your positive feedback.We’re glad to know that you find our trading platform transparent and reliable, and we hope you will continue enjoying our services. If you have any question – we’re always happy to assist.The Equiti Team. Equiti offers ECN/STP execution with no dealing desk intervention, meaning you can access tight raw spreads from 0 pips.

Executive Account

This is great as it means you don’t need to stare at charts all day long. I am pleased to say that multiple government regulatory authorities regulate the broker. Moreover, they can provide you with negative balance protection, so that you don’t lose more than what you originally invested.

  • However, after the first deposit the minimum deposit requirement drops to $30 for most methods and there is no minimum for bank wire transfers.
  • Nonetheless, feel free to reach out to our team should have any questions.
  • Hi Ahmad, Thank you for sharing your positive feedback.We’re glad to know that you find our trading platform transparent and reliable, and we hope you will continue enjoying our services.

With that being said, it still does not mean that Equiti is the best option, as there are also hundreds of other regulated brokers with similar or even better trading conditions. Besides lots of currency pair,
Equiti also offers some instruments you would like to trade on, such as
Forex, Stocks, Indexes and Crypto for your best choice. Somehow, remember that different instrument
has different trading conditions.

excellent broker at MENA region

You can customise the platform to be as simplistic or complex as you need it to be, depending on your trading strategy. The platform was developed in 2005 by MetaQuotes, and provides all of the tools and resources that you need to analyse the markets for opportunities. Our UK team takes a methodical approach to reviewing online brokers. Our experts also factor in their hands-on testing experience into broker ratings.

Equiti has offices in London, Dubai, Amman, and Limassol making it a fast-growing fintech company. The broker offers MetaTrader 5 and there are no trading commissions for trading Forex CFDs. You can trade from one account using the platforms on your computer, laptop and mobile devices. The desktop version has the most functionality, including automated trading if this is something you are looking for. I run multiple instances of the MT4 desktop platform so I can test brokers and my automated systems.

Should You Trade With Equiti?

Generally speaking, I found the costs to be in line with what you can expect from most reputable brokers. You could probably shop around to save a little but I think this would only be worthwhile if you are trading in very large volumes. Accounts can be funded by bank wire transfer, payment cards, Neteller, and Skrill.

How To Place A Trade

A demo account is an account offered by some trading platforms, which is funded with virtual money. Commissions are the charges imposed by an investment broker on a trader for making trades on the trader’s behalf. The level of commissions will vary between different brokers and depends on the asset being traded and the type of service offered by the broker. Equiti does have some standalone trading tools in addition to the great selection that are already built into the MetaTrader platforms. The brokers in-house market research team and unique AI tools keep you up to speed on the market moves. When you join Equiti you can choose to start receiving daily trading reports by email or Telegram.

Stock CFD trading on Equiti

So the first Executive account will offer a spread only basis and the Premiere account is built in commission charges. Equiti offers two account types whether the trader is a new one or a professional one. At the very beginning you can sign in within minutes for Demo account, known as practice account where you can check trading conditions and see Equiti trading environment. Our experts find Equity a reliable broker with good regulation and proposal with NDD execution, various account types and competitive spreads and commissions. Customer reviews point to the limited additional tools that are available from the client portal. There is a helpful commission calculator, economical calendar, and FIX API for UK and EEA clients, but there aren’t the in-depth training guides and tutorials found at many brokers.

Equiti is a regulated broker that provides secure and reliable trading services to traders worldwide. The broker’s STP model eliminates any conflicts of interest and ensures that the broker does not take bets against its traders. Equiti offers a wide range of tradable instruments, including CFDs on Forex, stocks, commodities, cryptocurrencies, ETFs, energies, futures, indices, and metals. Spreads are competitive and commissions are industry average making it possible to execute scalping strategies from the advanced trading platform MT5. Numerous inbuilt tools enable traders to control fundamental news directly from MT5 and to automate trading processes with inbuilt trading robots. Equiti is a multi-asset brokerage providing opportunities on the popular MetaTrader 5 platform.

Thank you for sharing your positive feedback.We’re delighted that you’re enjoying your experience.As always, we remain at your disposal if you have any questions. Dear MohsenThank you for your positive feedback.We are happy to hear you are enjoying our trading experience with Equiti.As always, feel free to reach out to our team should have any questions. The main version is of course the desktop platform with full capabilities and available tools.

Pszenica notowania cen

By | Forex Trading | No Comments

Zauważalne są niewielkie drgnięcia w jedną lub drugą stronę, aczkolwiek ruchy na rynku są w istocie symboliczne. Pszenica “ułożyła” się na dnie i niestety z dołka nie może wyjść. Ostatni miesiąc tego roku przyniósł mocne spadki cen, zwłaszcza kukurydzy. I bardzo duży napływ ziarna z Ukrainy również tzw. Zboża technicznego, które spowodowało, że rolnicy zaczęli protestować.

  • To właśnie z powodu suszy USDA z miesiąca na miesiąc obniżyła prognozy zbiorów zbóż w krajach Unii Europejskiej.
  • Prawa te będą przez nas bezwzględnie przestrzegane.
  • MonitorFX tworzymy z pasji do tradingu online na globalnym rynku finansowym.Transakcje CFD i Forex oparte na dźwigni finansowej są wysoce ryzykowne dla Twojego kapitału.
  • 1 grudnia jego lutowe notowania wzrosły o 3,25 euro i wyniosły 441,25 ​euro/t.

Na stan upraw wpływ mają przede wszystkim niedobory wody. To między innymi z tego względu pola zbóż osiągnęły w tym roku najniższy poziom dobrostanu od ponad dekady. Według USDA, w dobrej lub doskonałej kondycji pod koniec czerwca było 51 proc.

Cenę pszenicy w skupie, z jakim współpracuje rolnik, warto bowiem sprawdzić, porównać, do aktualnych trendów, jeśli nie globalnych, czy nawet krajowych to choć na skalę lokalną. Na razie nie ma prognoz dotyczących wyłącznie zbioru pszenicy w Polsce, jednak zasięg suszy porównywalny jest z tym z 2018 roku, kiedy odnotowano spadek zbiorów o 16 proc. Podnoszono też problem wysokich kosztów transportu surowca, co niewątpliwie odbijało się na cenach. Pojawiły się też wówczas pierwsze informacje, że zwłaszcza we wschodniej części kraju, magazyny firm skupowych zapełnione są ukraińską kukurydzą.Na giełdach pszenica kosztowała ponad 2 tys. Przedstawiamy raport, który ogólnie mówi o cenach pszenicy w poszczególnych miesiącach tego roku.


Podstawą opłacalnej uprawy zbóż i rzepaku jest sprzedaż wyprodukowanych płodów rolnych po atrakcyjnej cenie. Ceny zbóż i rzepaku są jednak zmienne, i w zależności od pory roku wahają się w dość szerokich granicach. Dlatego też na naszej stronie prowadzimy aktualizowane co tydzień notowania cen płodów rolnych. Pozwolą one Państwu w łatwy sposób śledzić trendy rynkowe i w odpowiednim momencie podjąć decyzję o sprzedaży zebranego plonu.

Prawa te będą przez nas bezwzględnie przestrzegane. Z tego właśnie powodu często sprawdzamy, jaka jest cena pszenicy na MATIF, pomimo że nie obracamy zbożem na skalę światową czy europejską. Ceny zbóż na MATIF wpływają na rynki całej Europy, więc i Polski. Ceny zbóż, a ceny pszenicy szczególnie, są obiektem zainteresowania bardzo szerokiego grona. Zaliczają się do niego nie tylko rolnicy, ale również uczestnicy rynku reprezentujący stronę odbiorczą. Jak łatwo się domyślić, grupy zainteresowane tym tematem nieco inaczej definiują optymalny, czy korzystny dla siebie układ cen.

  • Ostatni miesiąc tego roku przyniósł mocne spadki cen, zwłaszcza kukurydzy.
  • Zakładając, że pszenica po koniec roku kosztować będzie około 1000 zł/t  to możemy przypuszczać, że ceny w żniwa bedą nieco wyższe od obecnych.
  • Punktem wyjścia jest określenie, która cena pszenicy nas interesuje, a dokładniej która cześć rynku.

Ceny pszenicy ulegały licznym wahaniom, ale pozostają stosunkowo wysokie, niestety ceny nawozów rosły jeszcze szybciej. Najnowsze cenniki największego polskiego dystrybutora nawozów przyniosły kolejne podwyżki. Wielu rolników zwleka z zakupem azotu na ostatnią chwilę, w nadziei, że na ostatniej prostej producenci i handlujący nawozami spuszczą z tonu. Nieubłaganie jednak zbliża się termin pierwszej aplikacji nawozów azotowych i niestety niewiele może się zmienić na lepsze w kwestii cen. Pomimo znacznie wyższych podwyżek cen nawozów niż cen oferowanych w skupach zbóż, nadwyżka po odjęciu kosztów nawożenia w tym roku powinna być wyższa o około 990 zł/ha niż w 2020 roku.

Podsumowanie rynku zbóż. Ile kosztowała pszenica w 2022 r.?

Na rynku firmy skupujące płody rolne nieśmiało wychodzą z propozycjami cenowymi za zboża pochodzące z przyszłych zbiorów. Sprawdzamy, w jakiej relacji pozostają do aktualnie panujących cen za nawozy oraz porównujemy do sytuacji z 2020 roku. Przy czym wciąż mamy problem wysokich kosztów produkcji. Te, choć są tańsze, to wciąż nieadekwatne do cen płodów rolnych.

Ceny rolnicze

Albowiem kontrakty na dostawę qq w marcu 2024 r. Osiągnęły w piątek, 15 grudnia, 197,75 EUR/t (-1,0 EUR/t od ostatniej sesji). To właśnie z powodu suszy USDA z miesiąca na miesiąc obniżyła prognozy zbiorów zbóż w krajach Unii Europejskiej. W czerwcu zbiory pszenicy przewidywano na poziomie 140,5 mln t, jednak w lipcu szacunki obniżono do 138 mln t. De facto przy obecnych kosztach produkcji nie ma przestrzeni dla jeszcze większych spadków. Te doprowadziłyby do jeszcze gorszej sytuacji gospodarstw rolnych, które w wielu przypadkach już są w poważnym kryzysie.

Duża giełda: Jakie ceny tuczników przed świętami?

Mogą Państwo przesłać te dane innemu administratorowi danych. Przysługuje Państwu również prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego zajmującego się ochroną danych osobowych (Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych). W celu skorzystania z powyższych praw należy skontaktować się z administratorem danych lub z inspektorem ochrony danych. Zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych, możesz wycofać w dowolnym momencie w ten sam sposób jak ją wyraziłeś.

Zaś dzięki ustaleniom parlamentu europejskiego i rady w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych przysługuje ci prawo do ich ochrony (RODO). To instrument, którego cena oparta jest na notowaniach kontraktu na pszenicę na rynku zorganizowanym. Regularnie co tydzień swoje oferty cenowe netto wystawiają tu młyny, PZZ-y, a także podmioty pośredniczące w obrocie zbożami konsumpcyjnymi.

Jaka cena koszenia zboża kombajnem 2023?

Z kolei zboża paszowe (pszenica, jęczmień, żyto, pszenżyto, kukurydza i owies) to podstawowy komponent pasz dla wszystkich najważniejszych gatunków zwierząt gospodarskich. Na Matifie potaniała także kukurydza, ale nieznacznie. 17 listopada cena kontraktu z dostawą na marzec wynosiła 0,25 euro mniej niż tydzień wcześniej, czyli 205,75 euro/t.

Fundamental Analysis in Forex EXAMPLE

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fundamental analysis in forex trading

Answering these questions helps traders predict the future direction of currencies and make smart investment choices. So, keeping an eye on economic indicators is like having a crystal ball that predicts potential currency movements. Well, that’s how it can feel when you’re trading forex without a solid understanding of fundamental analysis. If you’re a forex trader looking to gain an edge in the market, mastering fundamental analysis is essential.

Websites dedicated to forex trading, economic calendars, and reputable research institutions can also provide valuable insights into economic data. These sources provide a goldmine of information on crucial economic indicators like GDP, inflation rates, and employment data. Some traders prefer only to trade the technicals ﹣ they may refer to fundamentals and news as ‘noise’. For them, the chart tells them all that they need to know about an instrument’s direction in the market. Similarly, some traders who prefer fundamental analysis will only trade off big decisions made by banks and governments or events stemming from natural disasters.

Timing is Everything: When to Enter a Forex Trade for Maximum Profit

Financial statements are the medium by which a company discloses information concerning its financial performance. Followers of fundamental analysis use quantitative information from financial statements to make investment decisions. The three most important financial statements are income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. One of the primary assumptions behind fundamental analysis is that a stock’s current price often does not fully reflect the value of the company when compared to publicly available financial data. A second assumption is that the value reflected from the company’s fundamental data is more likely to be closer to the true value of the stock.

fundamental analysis in forex trading

Yarilet Perez is an experienced multimedia journalist and fact-checker with a Master of Science in Journalism. She has worked in multiple cities covering breaking news, politics, education, and more. We offer different trading conditions, allowing for a more personalised experience. It’s important to remember that with good analysis, you can make the most out of the market. You can change your settings at any time, including withdrawing your consent, by using the toggles on the Cookie Policy, or by clicking on the manage consent button at the bottom of the screen.

What Are the Tools for Fundamental Analysis?

When the UK voted to leave the EU, for instance, confidence in the pound was shaken and many GBP pairs were hit as a consequence. Against the US dollar, the pound dropped almost 20% in value over the following weeks before it began to retrace. Traders who kept up with the news could have seen potential in shorting the pound against the US dollar. Embarking on the journey of fundamental analysis resembles deciphering an intricate puzzle with every piece holding a hidden significance. The answer is that it could have been both, or as we discussed above, market movements driven by speculation.

  • Conversely, if traders are bearish on a currency pair, they are more likely to sell it, which can drive down its value.
  • Major pairs involving strong, stable economies make market movements more predictable compared to minor or exotic pairs.
  • During the pandemic many commodities have been in short supply, which has pushed up their prices dramatically.
  • It can be used to predict the performance of more important lagging indicators and to assess the immediate direction of an economy.

Fundamental analysis is a method used by Forex traders to understand the true value of a currency pair based on economic, financial, and geopolitical factors. By understanding these factors, traders can make more informed decisions about when to buy or sell currencies and other assets. Variable or floating spreads, on the other hand, reflect the real-time supply and demand for currencies.

Fundamental Analysis in Forex

In forex trading, technical and fundamental analysis are two cornerstone approaches used in strategy development. Technical analysis involves examining past market data, primarily price levels and volume, to forecast future price movements. To do this, you use various charting tools, patterns, and technical indicators to identify potential trading opportunities. Gross domestic product (GDP) measures the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a given period. It is a comprehensive indicator of economic performance and growth potential. GDP growth rates impact currency exchange rates by reflecting economic activity and demand.

fundamental analysis in forex trading

It’s called swing trading with fundamental analysis, and it’s a game-changer. Combine the power of technical and fundamental analysis, and unlock the full potential of your trading abilities. Now that you’re sold on the idea of blending technical and fundamental analysis, you may be wondering how to get started with fundamental analysis in the forex market. Now that we understand the differences between technical and fundamental analysis, let’s explore why combining these two methodologies can take your trading prowess to new heights.

NFP and Forex: What is NFP and How to Trade It?

Fundamental analysis uses publicly available financial data to evaluate the value of an investment. The data is recorded on financial statements such as quarterly and annual reports and filings like the 10-Q (quarterly) or 10-K (annual). The 8-K is also informative because public companies must file it any time a reportable event occurs, like an acquisition or upper-level management change. This data reflects the number of people in the labor force who are unemployed and tracks the change in employment levels over time. Employment reports can have an impact on currencies because employment levels directly affect current and future spending habits.

  • Other major indicators include the purchasing managers index (PMI), producer price index (PPI), durable goods report, employment cost index (ECI) and housing starts.
  • Gross domestic product (GDP) measures the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a given period.
  • Sentiment analysis can help traders identify potential market reversals or trends, allowing them to position themselves accordingly.
  • Exclusive trading tools, news and analysis that will take your trading to the next level.

If the report shows a growing deficit, together with a drop in demand for the exporting currency, the government may step in to devalue the currency in a bid to boost exports. During the pandemic many commodities have been in short supply, which has pushed up their prices dramatically. As the world begins to ‘return to work’ the price of oil has been rising steeply.

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